Imagine a nation where every hospital is free of cost irrespective to your status, caste, gender, religion, nationality. A multi-speciality hospital providing you a clothes, well furnished wards, delicious food, specialized doctors, that too free of cost. Not just this even giving the patient money and food as a compensation for being out of work during his hospital stay. Isn't it mind-blowing?? This is what hospitals were in the Islamic Civilization. In early medieval where Europe belief that illness is supernatural, uncontrollable, incurable. Muslims took completely different approach because of the saying of prophet Muhammadﷺ, “God has sent down the disease and he has appointed cure for every disease, so treat yourself medically”(¹) Mobile Dispensaries The first known Islamic care center was set up in a tent by Rufaydah al-Aslamiyah r.a during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammadﷺ. Famously, during the Ghazwah Khandaq, she treated the wounded in a separ...
Human nature, or fitrah, is inherently designed with two core elements: worship and imitation. These aspects are deeply ingrained in human psychology and significantly influence how we form our identities, make decisions, and ultimately live our lives. Understanding how these elements shape our behaviour is crucial, particularly from an Islamic perspective, which emphasises the role of divine guidance in shaping a morally sound existence.
When we think of "idol worship," many might picture people bowing before statues or images of deities in traditional religious practices. However, in today’s modern world, idol worship takes on a much broader and more subtle form. Idol worship is not limited to literal statues or religious icons; it also manifests as the obsessive admiration and emulation of celebrities, athletes, politicians, and other public figures. This modern form of idol worship occurs when individuals elevate certain figures to an almost divine status, admiring their every word, action, and appearance.
This form of worship is often less recognized because it doesn't involve physical idols or rituals, yet it can be just as profound and influential. People become so consumed by the lives and personas of these public figures that they often begin to shape their own lives around them. The obsession with celebrities can be seen in social media trends, fan clubs, and the pervasive nature of celebrity culture. Individuals may sacrifice their own values, time, and even financial resources to align themselves with the lifestyle or image of their idols. This behavior illustrates how the human inclination to worship is not just confined to religious objects but can also be directed towards popular figures whose values and actions may or may not align with ethical or moral principles.
When we think of "idol worship," many might picture people bowing before statues or images of deities in traditional religious practices. However, in today’s modern world, idol worship takes on a much broader and more subtle form. Idol worship is not limited to literal statues or religious icons; it also manifests as the obsessive admiration and emulation of celebrities, athletes, politicians, and other public figures. This modern form of idol worship occurs when individuals elevate certain figures to an almost divine status, admiring their every word, action, and appearance.
This form of worship is often less recognized because it doesn't involve physical idols or rituals, yet it can be just as profound and influential. People become so consumed by the lives and personas of these public figures that they often begin to shape their own lives around them. The obsession with celebrities can be seen in social media trends, fan clubs, and the pervasive nature of celebrity culture. Individuals may sacrifice their own values, time, and even financial resources to align themselves with the lifestyle or image of their idols. This behavior illustrates how the human inclination to worship is not just confined to religious objects but can also be directed towards popular figures whose values and actions may or may not align with ethical or moral principles.
Definition of Idol:
An idol, in both spiritual and secular terms, can refer to:
A person (e.g., a film star, pop musician) who is admired or loved.
A statue or representation that is revered as a deity or divine figure.
An idol, in both spiritual and secular terms, can refer to:
A person (e.g., a film star, pop musician) who is admired or loved.
A statue or representation that is revered as a deity or divine figure.
1. Worship: The Core of Human Sacrifice
At the core of worship lies the human tendency to elevate certain ideals or figures to the highest position of importance in their lives. Every person has an idol, whether consciously or subconsciously—an object, a person, or an ideal that becomes central to their worldview. This idol often demands personal sacrifice and alignment with its values. In secular societies, this is often regarded as a "compromise," but it remains a form of worship.
At the core of worship lies the human tendency to elevate certain ideals or figures to the highest position of importance in their lives. Every person has an idol, whether consciously or subconsciously—an object, a person, or an ideal that becomes central to their worldview. This idol often demands personal sacrifice and alignment with its values. In secular societies, this is often regarded as a "compromise," but it remains a form of worship.
This act of worship requires individuals to sacrifice personal desires, beliefs, and behaviors to align with the ideal they revere. This might manifest in the form of an individual altering their personality to appeal to a partner, a celebrity, or a social group. This process goes beyond simple admiration—it involves the complete subjugation of one's identity to align with the object of worship.
When people idolize someone—whether a celebrity, athlete, or political leader—they do so by aligning their values and actions with those of the idol. The very definition of an idol reflects this: a person (such as a film star or pop musician) who is adored or loved; or a statue that is revered as a god. Through this process, the idol becomes the highest point in the mental hierarchy, guiding behavior and decision-making as proven by Moral Influence of Role Models (Bandura, 1977). However what happens when the idol does not provide a complete moral code?
2. Imitation: The Foundation of Human Identity
Imitation is another key element of human nature, which becomes particularly important in the process of shaping identity. Human beings, particularly from a young age, mimic the behaviors, attitudes, and traits of those around them. A child imitates their parents or other elders, while an adult imitates figures who they believe are superior in status, class, or morality. This tendency to imitate is largely subconscious, which makes it a natural and inevitable part of human life.
Psychologically, this imitation plays a significant role in the development of an individual's personality. Albert Bandura's social learning theory demonstrates that people—especially children—replicate the behaviors of those around them, particularly when these behaviors are seen as being rewarded. Bandura's famous "Bobo doll" experiment revealed that children imitated aggressive behaviors they observed in adults, highlighting how deeply human beings are influenced by their role models (Bandura, 1961).
Moreover, the mirror neuron system is responsible for the automatic mimicking of behaviors observed in others, further emphasizing how imitation is an inescapable part of human nature (Rizzolatti et al., 1996). This system allows individuals to internalize actions, emotions, and social behaviors, which is why we are constantly shaped by the people we observe.
However, the crucial question remains: What happens when the individuals we idolize or imitate do not provide a moral or ethical framework that leads to virtuous behavior?
3. The Inability of Idols to Provide a Complete Moral Code
The central issue with idol worship in a world without divine guidance is the inability of idols to provide a complete and comprehensive moral code. Celebrities, political figures, and social icons often become the focal point of admiration and imitation, but they do not offer a robust, ethical system to guide their followers' actions.
When people worship idols that do not offer a full moral code, they ultimately adopt a flawed understanding of right and wrong. These idols may excel in one aspect of life—such as entertainment, sports, or politics—but they rarely embody the holistic, morally sound principles that can guide a person’s entire life. The absence of a well-defined moral compass in these figures leaves their followers vulnerable to adopting behaviors and values that are inconsistent, unethical, or even harmful.
For example, consider the recent phenomenon of public mourning over the death of celebrity idols. In 2024, the youth of India were seen grieving the death of pop star Liam Payne, an individual they viewed as a role model. This outpouring of grief occurred despite the pressing issues facing their own country, such as the 16 children dying daily from malnutrition and the 106 rapes reported each day (National Crime Records Bureau, 2021). The lack of action or outrage over these critical moral issues demonstrates the devastating effects of idol worship. People are willing to mourn the loss of a celebrity, while they ignore the widespread suffering and moral failures within their own societies.
This example underscores the consequences of idol worship when the figures we venerate fail to offer moral guidance. Worshiping figures who cannot provide ethical direction leads to a society that neglects its moral responsibilities. If individuals are worshipping celebrities whose values are not rooted in righteousness or justice, it becomes inevitable that these followers will fail to recognize or address the real issues that affect their communities.
4. The Role of Role Models in Shaping Morality
Imitating idols and role models is an essential part of human development, but it becomes problematic when the chosen role models do not embody a complete moral code. Psychological concepts like the Halo Effect show that people tend to idealize individuals based on one positive trait or achievement, assuming that other aspects of their character must also be virtuous. This cognitive bias can lead individuals to adopt entire belief systems or behaviors from role models without critically assessing the full spectrum of their actions.
For instance, a celebrity known for their talent in music or sports might be viewed as virtuous in all aspects of life, even if their actions in personal matters—such as relationships, ethics, or charity—do not align with a true moral code. The Halo Effect causes people to see their idols as flawless, which may result in the imitation of not just their admirable traits, but also their flaws and vices. This is a significant issue, as the consequences of imitating flawed figures often manifest in negative behaviors, such as the normalization of materialism, selfishness, or even unethical conduct.
According to Erik Erikson’s identification of role models, individuals—particularly during adolescence—tend to adopt the values and behaviors of the figures they look up to. If these role models are individuals who prioritize superficial traits such as fame, wealth, or popularity over integrity, their followers may internalize these distorted values, leading to the erosion of genuine moral standards (Erikson, 1968).
5. A Complete Moral Code
Islam offers a clear alternative to the fragmented moral guidance provided by secular idols. The ultimate role model for Muslims is the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), who exemplified a comprehensive and perfect moral code. His life serves as a complete guide for every aspect of existence, from worship and ethics to social behavior and personal conduct. The Quran reminds us:
For Worship:
وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ
"I did not create the Jinns and the human beings except for the purpose that they should worship Me."
This verse reminds us that the very essence of our existence is to worship Allah, who provides a complete moral framework.
For Imitation:
لَقَدْ كَانَ لَكُمْ فِي رَسُولِ اللَّهِ أَسْوَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ لِمَن كَانَ يَرْجُوا اللَّهَ وَالْيَوْمَ الْآخِرَ وَذَكَرَ اللَّهَ كَثِيرًا
"There is indeed a good model for you in the Messenger of Allah – for the one who has hope in Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah profusely."
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the perfect role model, offering a complete and flawless code of morality. His life provides the blueprint for a righteous and ethical existence, free from the flaws and inconsistencies found in secular idols.
Conclusion: The Need for Proper Worship and Role Models
Both worship and imitation are innate to human nature, but they must be directed toward the right sources. When individuals worship and imitate figures that lack a complete moral framework, they risk adopting flawed behaviors and moral standards.
1. Bandura, A. (1961). Transmission of aggression through imitation of aggressive models. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 63(3), 575–582.
2. Rizzolatti, G., Fogassi, L., & Gallese, V. (1996). Neurophysiological mechanisms underlying the understanding and imitation of action. Nature, 369(6480), 312-314.
3. Thorndike, E.
When people idolize someone—whether a celebrity, athlete, or political leader—they do so by aligning their values and actions with those of the idol. The very definition of an idol reflects this: a person (such as a film star or pop musician) who is adored or loved; or a statue that is revered as a god. Through this process, the idol becomes the highest point in the mental hierarchy, guiding behavior and decision-making as proven by Moral Influence of Role Models (Bandura, 1977). However what happens when the idol does not provide a complete moral code?
2. Imitation: The Foundation of Human Identity
Imitation is another key element of human nature, which becomes particularly important in the process of shaping identity. Human beings, particularly from a young age, mimic the behaviors, attitudes, and traits of those around them. A child imitates their parents or other elders, while an adult imitates figures who they believe are superior in status, class, or morality. This tendency to imitate is largely subconscious, which makes it a natural and inevitable part of human life.
Psychologically, this imitation plays a significant role in the development of an individual's personality. Albert Bandura's social learning theory demonstrates that people—especially children—replicate the behaviors of those around them, particularly when these behaviors are seen as being rewarded. Bandura's famous "Bobo doll" experiment revealed that children imitated aggressive behaviors they observed in adults, highlighting how deeply human beings are influenced by their role models (Bandura, 1961).
Moreover, the mirror neuron system is responsible for the automatic mimicking of behaviors observed in others, further emphasizing how imitation is an inescapable part of human nature (Rizzolatti et al., 1996). This system allows individuals to internalize actions, emotions, and social behaviors, which is why we are constantly shaped by the people we observe.
However, the crucial question remains: What happens when the individuals we idolize or imitate do not provide a moral or ethical framework that leads to virtuous behavior?
3. The Inability of Idols to Provide a Complete Moral Code
The central issue with idol worship in a world without divine guidance is the inability of idols to provide a complete and comprehensive moral code. Celebrities, political figures, and social icons often become the focal point of admiration and imitation, but they do not offer a robust, ethical system to guide their followers' actions.
When people worship idols that do not offer a full moral code, they ultimately adopt a flawed understanding of right and wrong. These idols may excel in one aspect of life—such as entertainment, sports, or politics—but they rarely embody the holistic, morally sound principles that can guide a person’s entire life. The absence of a well-defined moral compass in these figures leaves their followers vulnerable to adopting behaviors and values that are inconsistent, unethical, or even harmful.
For example, consider the recent phenomenon of public mourning over the death of celebrity idols. In 2024, the youth of India were seen grieving the death of pop star Liam Payne, an individual they viewed as a role model. This outpouring of grief occurred despite the pressing issues facing their own country, such as the 16 children dying daily from malnutrition and the 106 rapes reported each day (National Crime Records Bureau, 2021). The lack of action or outrage over these critical moral issues demonstrates the devastating effects of idol worship. People are willing to mourn the loss of a celebrity, while they ignore the widespread suffering and moral failures within their own societies.
This example underscores the consequences of idol worship when the figures we venerate fail to offer moral guidance. Worshiping figures who cannot provide ethical direction leads to a society that neglects its moral responsibilities. If individuals are worshipping celebrities whose values are not rooted in righteousness or justice, it becomes inevitable that these followers will fail to recognize or address the real issues that affect their communities.
4. The Role of Role Models in Shaping Morality
Imitating idols and role models is an essential part of human development, but it becomes problematic when the chosen role models do not embody a complete moral code. Psychological concepts like the Halo Effect show that people tend to idealize individuals based on one positive trait or achievement, assuming that other aspects of their character must also be virtuous. This cognitive bias can lead individuals to adopt entire belief systems or behaviors from role models without critically assessing the full spectrum of their actions.
For instance, a celebrity known for their talent in music or sports might be viewed as virtuous in all aspects of life, even if their actions in personal matters—such as relationships, ethics, or charity—do not align with a true moral code. The Halo Effect causes people to see their idols as flawless, which may result in the imitation of not just their admirable traits, but also their flaws and vices. This is a significant issue, as the consequences of imitating flawed figures often manifest in negative behaviors, such as the normalization of materialism, selfishness, or even unethical conduct.
According to Erik Erikson’s identification of role models, individuals—particularly during adolescence—tend to adopt the values and behaviors of the figures they look up to. If these role models are individuals who prioritize superficial traits such as fame, wealth, or popularity over integrity, their followers may internalize these distorted values, leading to the erosion of genuine moral standards (Erikson, 1968).
5. A Complete Moral Code
Islam offers a clear alternative to the fragmented moral guidance provided by secular idols. The ultimate role model for Muslims is the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), who exemplified a comprehensive and perfect moral code. His life serves as a complete guide for every aspect of existence, from worship and ethics to social behavior and personal conduct. The Quran reminds us:
For Worship:
وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ
"I did not create the Jinns and the human beings except for the purpose that they should worship Me."
This verse reminds us that the very essence of our existence is to worship Allah, who provides a complete moral framework.
For Imitation:
لَقَدْ كَانَ لَكُمْ فِي رَسُولِ اللَّهِ أَسْوَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ لِمَن كَانَ يَرْجُوا اللَّهَ وَالْيَوْمَ الْآخِرَ وَذَكَرَ اللَّهَ كَثِيرًا
"There is indeed a good model for you in the Messenger of Allah – for the one who has hope in Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah profusely."
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the perfect role model, offering a complete and flawless code of morality. His life provides the blueprint for a righteous and ethical existence, free from the flaws and inconsistencies found in secular idols.
Conclusion: The Need for Proper Worship and Role Models
Both worship and imitation are innate to human nature, but they must be directed toward the right sources. When individuals worship and imitate figures that lack a complete moral framework, they risk adopting flawed behaviors and moral standards.
1. Bandura, A. (1961). Transmission of aggression through imitation of aggressive models. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 63(3), 575–582.
2. Rizzolatti, G., Fogassi, L., & Gallese, V. (1996). Neurophysiological mechanisms underlying the understanding and imitation of action. Nature, 369(6480), 312-314.
3. Thorndike, E.
Fahad Salim Mom
Pursuing honors in philosophy and major
student of islamic
psychology, Youtuber, social worker.
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